once upon a time, underneath a big white tent, there was a lonely fake leg. oh the stubs this leg had seen, the greatest stubs of it's day. but now, tarnished and alone, it sat propped in an overpriced bathtub unsure if it was in virginia or tennessee.
one hot sunday a gentleman and a young lady ventured into this tent and took a particular interest in this leg. the girl's mind raced with thoughts of a future united with this leg, this wooden appendage, this whimsical prosthetic.
alas, it was $200 and she had already bought this trunk earlier to put in her room:

though life will assuredly be less than without that peg leg (and really you never know when you might need one), i'm sure the little birdies etched on the clasp of her trunk will keep this entirely fictional young lady happy for today.
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