as the birthdays add up, people start to say "you're ___ years old now, i can't believe it!" but lauren's birthday this year is not particularly surprising because we've always felt so close in age, and i'm 23 (which i legitimately forgot the other day when someone asked me how old i was. me: "22. wait, am i 22? i might be 23, oh my gosh i'm 23!" i honestly still feel like i'm 17, and that might be because i always thought by the time i was in my 20's i'd be settled, know what i want to do in life and maybe have a dog. and if we are talking about how old lauren might feel, i'm going to say 12 considering her disney princess wrapping paper and multitude of presents all in the shade of pink.
yesterday i went home to Fairfax for the night to celebrate with her. i took Koa for a long walk, my mom made shrimp stir fry and then we had presents and birthday cake. (Lauren shared with Brian since we were in Jamaica over his birthday and he didn't get a cake)

then we may have watched glee with a bottle of wine. and then my dad may have asked to watch another episode on dvr since he secretly likes the show. then i may have fallen asleep on the couch.

and this is what i had to say goodbye to this morning.
Goodbye litte pup, nice to see you little pup!!
ReplyDeleteaww thats just so sad.