It was many and many a year ago in a kingdom by the sea, that a maiden there lived whom you may know.

Wednesday, March 23


Star Mapping in Thai Town

So here is the last of the Los Angeles photos. I took a lot more but they are crap. Okay well there's this one where Monica is standing outside Fergie's mailbox...actually I think I mentioned that already, which means it is turning into a highlight of my trip, which is sad.

The first is the only photo I took of a Hollywood star. We were walking Hollywood Boulevard and I just KNEW the perfect star would come up. So I passed Keanu Reeves (he's not coming back) and even Betty Davis and then I saw it, Cubja Gooding Jr. Perfect.

The second was taken at a B-Grade restaurant in Thai Town. This is not the grade I'm giving it, because in that case it would be A+ Grade. This is the grade the Los Angeles Public Health Board gave the restaurant based on sanitation. A little bit about the photo: That is Monica highlighting the Star Map we got out of a vending machine. Yup.

The last is one of the only photos that came out semi-decent when we were at the Hollywood Farmer's Market, which was amazing by the way. They had produce that isn't anywhere near showing up at the Farmer's Markets in D.C. (raspberries in February? okay then), live goats and delicious DELICIOUS food like corn on the cob and tamales.

Lastly and unrelated, my font may have changed. The blog format changed a bit and I'm taking a moment to adjust to it. This is ironic because I recently decided to add basic HTML to my resume, yet cannot do the simplest of things without referencing 9 google docs on "how to make your pictures bigger" or "how to add music to your blog". I think once I decide to stop this I'm going to have "My Heart Will Go On" on constant loop in the background and just be done with it.

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