Once upon a time I had a rabbit and his name was Waffles. Monica, Courtney, Andrea and I had spent a lot of time googling breeds of rabbits, what they eat, how to take care of them and wondering if that giant rabbit was actually real (still undecided!). Then one day we were watching TV and Frank Beamer had a commercial spot for a local pet store and what did they have? RABBITS. And rabbits with floppy ears, no less.
We literally got in the car immediately after the commercial ended, picked out a little brown bunny and took Waffles home in a cardboard box. We found that Waffes was a cuddle bunny (yeah-that's a real thing), who binkied (also a real thing) when he was happy and didn't like carrots. We dressed him up as a pumpkin, put him on a leash, tried to fashion him a diaper, took him on picnics and made up songs about him.
When I graduated, he lived with me in my basement where my Mom and Koa gave him lots of attention while I was at work. One day while he was running around the basement, Koa somehow got down there and licked him until he was soaking wet. When I moved to Georgetown he came with me and though his words might mislead you, Trees loved Waffles (it's okay, you can admit it). But at this point, I wasn't giving him the attention he needed anymore. He couldn't run around on our wooden floors and I was gone all day long. I can't tell you how guilty I felt, all I saw was a sad under-loved bunny and a bad Mama - me, that's me.
In short, I decided to find a new home for Waffles about a year ago because he deserved it and because I couldn't feel like the bad guy in a Disney Channel movie anymore, grrrr I have dark features and negelect cute bunnies. So yes, part of it was selfish, but I really thought Waffles would be happier with someone who could give him more time-and I think he is.
Sob story over because Waffles and I had a reunion last night. I'm not sure if he remembered me or I just know exactly how he likes to be pet, but he hopped right to me and started nuzzling into my coat, otherwise I would have been able to get a better picture of his ridculously cute nose and chubby cheeks. Not much has changed.
I think most of you are friends of Waffles, so I thought you'd like to know that he is still the absolute cutest and softest bunny in the world.
Waffles! Glad to see that he is alive and well :)