It was many and many a year ago in a kingdom by the sea, that a maiden there lived whom you may know.

Monday, January 25

I Let My Arms Swing


Last week was truly awful. It was 5 days of self-pity and watching Twilight so i could fall asleep. This considered, no one is more surprised than me how my outlook has turned around.

Today is good, really good. I think i had to have everything happen last week to make today seem so great. Was it worth it? Hell no, but guess what. I'm moving into an apartment in Georgetown, i no longer have a 3 hour commute AND it's 65 degrees and sunny outside right now. This calls for some exclamation points !!!!!

After utilizing my Monday morning by making ONE calendar update, i said Kerry, you need a break. Today would be a good day to try out that Anacostia River Walk. As i was walking i took my hands out of my pockets. I swung those things we call arms and took a stroll to the river. Whilst strolling, i forced a line of Marines carrying rifles onto the other side of the sidewalk and even after that, they called me M'am (i'd like to be m'ammed more often). Rather than alarming me, this made me feel safe because maybe i took a wrong left turn, if you know what i mean, and maybe i saw a man chugging his 24 Loco at 1:30 in the afternoon so he could get on the bus. If you don't know what i mean by a wrong left turn, please refer to my River Walk/abandoned building picture at the top of this post.

The Anacostia River folks, it aint pretty, it's dirty. Luckily the Marine Corps Barracks was blasting marching band music from their speakers, so i sat down in the sun on the sidewalk, took off my jacket and listened for a while before making the dreaded walk back to my cube.

But i won't stay here past 4 and you can't make me!

Thursday, January 21

You Knew This Was Coming

This is my dog Koa. She is cuter than your dog and more entertaining too. I love her and half the pictures I take on my camera are focused on capturing her every movement.

I make no apologies.

Friday, January 15

Like, Kerry

The transcript of my gchat with Monica a few minutes ago and an explanation of sorts.

me: you NEED to hear the i didn't even know those homes were there jingle.also i don't like iKerry that much anymore. I'm thinking about changing it to Like, Kerry. like, like. get it? like i say like all the time. and it makes me sound dumb, and i kind of am, but i'm also kind of not. because i'm like, college educated.

monica: hahahahahahaha. you like inspired me to blog.

iSteal from Monica

<- A
Monica has a little blog where she writes about things that annoy her. Im gonna stell et.

There is a roll of paper towels in my office's kitchen. SOMEONE in the office keeps taking HALF a paper towel. And that someone is killing me because nearly every time i go to get a nice paper towel to clean up my coffee that i always spill or eat during Derrell's Pop it Like it's Hot popcorn snack time, there is HALF of one left on the roll.

Now, i know that half a PT aint gonna do it for me, but those cute little otters and the polar bears that EAT THEIR OWN YOUNG (A!!!!!) really get to me sometimes.
So now i have a small stack of paper towel halves underneath my 3 hole punch and it makes my disorganized cube look even worse and i'm never going to use them. Thanks environment hater*
*I realize by taking half this person may be trying to not wasteful. Do. Not. Care.

Thursday, January 14

For Monica

i miss u like crazy my angel fly back to me from the heavens...dont waste your time anymore with him..u know our connection was True.....come back

Friday, January 8

Hi Megan

Thanks for giving me a hot sauce addiction.

Hi not Mom because when i told you i got a blog you made fun of me and asked what i had to write about.


Tonight Alli and i ate at Ray's Hell Burger, which happened to be on my New Year's goal/resolution list/compilation thing/two posts ago. First off, let me just say that Miss Heaney deserves a metal for her swift and thorough work on her burger.

Though i maybe racked up some bad KARMAA in the parking lot, Ray did not disappoint me. It was a small and cramped place with zero pretension, but it was really the perfect atmosphere for what you are getting. I wanted to create my own burger but Alli kept being all I'M HUNGGGGGRY hurry UP find a table i only ate two clementines today choose your burger NAOW. So i went with The Big Poppa (They love it when you order Big Poppa). It was cooked au poivre and had a peppered crust around the meat and was topped with Aged Danish Bleu Cheese and sauteed peppers and mushrooms. My only complaint would be because the burger was oozing oil and fat and gooey cheese (not, by any means, my complaint) it soaked the bun and made it soggy. Toast dat. At the register there was a hand-written sign that listed the beer they served. There were only 5 or 6 offered, but I got a Bell's Two-Hearted IPA and Alli got a Bud Light.

Near the end I put my head in my hands and the guy walking around taking everyones plates and greasy paper towels away said "trust me, that's gonna feel great in about 2 minutes." He was not wrong, Alli and i were literally giddy from the food. I can only assume that friendly man was Ray and he put green in our burgers.

Wednesday, January 6

A Walk to Remember.

My path through the Blizzard of 2009. If it's going to be so cold it should really just really just snow, honestly.

Accio Twenty Ten

A New Years Eve Tree at Radegast Beer Hall in Brooklyn. Okay, maybe it was a Christmas Tree.

Today I created new correspondence templates for 2010. As I was creating a folder for July, I became extremely excited just knowing that the month will come, sometime, and it will be warm. This has provided me with more excitement for the New Year than any recap or resolution.

That being said,

2010 New Years Goals:

French Language generally, my accent specifically.




2 Amys.

Ray's Hellburger.

The Gibson.

Run a half marathon.

Visit Monica in LA.

Take more pictures.