It was many and many a year ago in a kingdom by the sea, that a maiden there lived whom you may know.

Wednesday, June 8

The Hirshhorn Couch

King John and Queen Kerry hold court at the Hirshhorn

Before I let things slip away from me, there is something really important I want to tell you.

On the top floor of the Hirshhorn Museum, there is a couch next to the room with all naked ladies with abstract boobs. It is black, it is leather, you sink deep into its plush expanse-elbows perfectly propped-and you have a crowning view of downtown DC. I suggest you go and have yourself a sit. While you're there you should also check out the string and light art.

Apparently people do not appreciate my self-deprecating humor, so I can't mask my scant comprehension of art or my lack of interest in googling the names of the exhibits-but obviously I can use a thesaurus (lack of=scant and knowledge=comprehension). Girl has got to prioritize when she is already dedicating 40% of her brain space to why they killed that wolf dog on Game of Thrones and another 10% to art of dick pics.

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