It was many and many a year ago in a kingdom by the sea, that a maiden there lived whom you may know.

Thursday, April 29

america and the hill.

yesterday after work, megan alli and i went to help megan (and ashley by the twin associative property) at an event in one of the senate buildings on capitol hill.

captiol hill is so beautiful! can you imagine walking into work every day, passing by the fountains at the library of congress and humming god bless america to yourself? yeah, me neither. but hey i get to pass a doggy day care place in southeast every day and i'm pretty sure the chow is starting to remember me.

anyways, the event was for the Wounded Warriors Project, which Megan works for. i was so glad i got to go and see megan and ashley hobnobbing with congresswomen and the like, but i was especially glad to see how far they've come in channeling their personal experiences into actual change by starting a non-profit called the Grateful Nation Foundation. how amazing are they?

we had a lot of fun, met a lot of interesting people and continuously told people to try the meatballs (even though the crabcakes were better). afterwards we went to the Union Pub to catch the last quarter of the Caps game and listen to people boo-hoo and drown their sorrows in mini corndogs and bud light lime buckets.
oh wait...
Alex Ovechkin sleeps alone tonight.

oh did you want a picture? okay, this is what it's like to hang out with alli and megan. that spot in the middle was where i was sitting, trying to have a convesation with them as they played brickbreaker:

that's what you get for eating plums!


  1. THAT IS A SCURRILOUS FALSEHOOD!!!!!! We were all tired little un peaus and no one was talking so I whipped it out and started playing with it. My blackberry that is. He he he. Anyway great blog post. One of the best definitley!!!

  2. Well I wasn't going to correct you, but who doesn't like blog comments?

    I think you meant to say that you caught the last period of the CAPS game. There are 3 periods in hockey. There is my sports knowledge of the day.
