It was many and many a year ago in a kingdom by the sea, that a maiden there lived whom you may know.

Thursday, March 10

Hey Yo This Beat is Bananas

Pirate Horizon in Venice

Doesn't that look like a Pirate boat? I took it in Venice with the smell of weed from the drum circle wafting in the air. I saw a two headed turtle at the freak show there too. Kind of a weird place, Venice Beach. Kind of amazing actually. Even though there were all kinds of dogs and people walking around, babydoll heads buried in the sand, men dancing on trash cans and teenage couples giving you goofy smiles as you caught them passing a joint back and forth, it all seemed so peaceful. Maybe it was the sun going down and the big waves (they were seriously big, you can't really tell in the picture) drowning out some of the noise, but the vibe of Venice Beach is completely different from Los Angeles itself and it was refreshing.

Anyways, I have a lot of pictures I took out in LA, but haven't had the time to sort through and edit them (or in the very least, turn them into JPGs-it happens a lot, sorry). Adding this class into my schedule took away a lot of my watching The Wire/going to Trader Joe's/reading and general down-time. I love Thursdays, it's usually the first time during the week I can actually relax. I'm always hesitant to plan anything because there's nothing I look forward to more than a few shows lined up and a recipe in hand. Tonight, I'm going to try and pan fry chickpeas and convince myself tofu is delicious. Good luck, right?

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