It was many and many a year ago in a kingdom by the sea, that a maiden there lived whom you may know.

Tuesday, March 1

The Santa Monica Pier

Santa Monica Pier

Topsy Ferris Wheel

Flipping Girls

Pier Reflection

Santa Monica _M_ Pier

One of the more interesting things about being in Los Angeles was seeing the names of places I'd always heard stacked and layered on top of eachother. Santa Monica above Muscle Beach, which is in Venice Beach and if you drive East towards Hollywood, you pass through Beverly Hills and Bel Air and if you look to the right, there's Rodeo Drive.

The Santa Monica Pier, however, was not one of the things I had ever heard of, which was surprising because it was a complete clusterfuck of tourist traps. Yet, I loved it.
Oh come on, you've gotta do the touristy things at least once. Like getting a Star Map...which we did. I might have a photo of Monica posing in front of Fergie's mailbox just before we passed Josh Duhamel in his black pick-up truck.
That somewhat embarassing confession aside, the Santa Monica Pier was pretty incredible. We went out on the Pier and bought over-priced sodas, we took a romantic ride on the Ferris Wheel looking down at the sprawling beach and over-saturated pier and we ate lunch on a lifeguard stand with a couple who would (could?) not. stop. making out. We thought about Marissa Cooper and her lifeguard stand/sanctuary and how she would go there to cry when Ryan (or Jimmy) punched someone, but I guess Jimmy Cooper was usually getting punched. And yeah, later, we watched the OC.

So pretty much all those things you expected me to do in LA?
I did them.

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